Victoria Park State School is committed to our students achieving their personal best.
Our school vision
R.I.S.E – Rise to the Challenge
R Responsive Curriculum
Improve English
I Innovating Instruction
Explore Inquiry
S Strenthened Systems
Refresh Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
E Expert Educators
Spotlight Staff Wellbeing
Our shared beliefs and understandings
Each student can achieve high standards, given the right amount of time and support.
Each teacher can teach to high standards, given the right assistance.
High expectations and early and ongoing intervention are essential.
Teachers and administrators need to be able to articulate what they do and why they teach the way they do.
Parent and community engagement that is effectively focussed on student learning can improve student outcomes.
Working collaboratively: students and staff work towards reaching SMART goals together.
Curriculum & Core Pedagogies
The Australian Curriculum website sets out the core knowledge, understanding, skills and general capabilities that are important for all Australian students.
Visible Learning
Age Appropriate Pedagogies
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Our Purpose
a quality education to every student in a happy, safe, supportive and
disciplined environment
Our Agreed School Wide Practices:
Our teachers challenge their students. We have high expectations for all students and we also challenge them by providing instruction that develops higher-order thinking skills.
Intentional Teaching:
Our teachers are intentional about their teaching. We are clear about what we teach and use high yield instructional strategies to help students accomplish their learning goals. Our teachers know not only what to do to support student learning but how to do, when to do it, and why we do it.
Our teachers use evidence to improve their practice: We tap into classroom artefacts and students' voice to get the full picture of our impact on learning.
At VPSS our leadership team work alongside our teachers to provide coaching that supports their Performance Developing Plans and to improve student learning outcomes
Our Guiding Questions
How are our students doing in their learning?
How do we know?
What are we doing to improve student learning?
How do we know it is working?
Partnerships (student – teacher – parent)
Our staff value good student-teacher-parent partnerships. This is achieved by all partners communicating in an effective manner to ensure that relationships grow and flourish for the benefit of each and every student. School newsletters and the School Stream App keep our parents informed of class happenings. Formal parent teacher interviews occur at the end of Term 1 and 3.