Welcome to Victoria Park State School
At Victoria Park State School we recognise that Prep is the first year of school and value that it will provide the foundation for your child's education. As a result, we have created an outstanding and highly successful prep program including a Get Set for Prep Program that begins in the third term every year. We pride ourselves on our collaborative approach to education, ensuring all students are achieving at their full potential. Teachers work together, plan together and share ideas across all classes.
Our Prep students are involved in active learning experiences aimed at making education come alive. In prep your child will study the Australian Curriculum. In Term 4 Physical Education lessons start for preps and they are lucky enough to swim in our very own pool which is located on the Goldsmith Street side of our school.
By the end of our Prep year, our students are expected to be readers and writers. We do this via explicit teaching and guided co-operative learning that encourages the development of both social and academic skills. Our Prep classrooms have full time Teacher Aides allowing both teachers and Teacher Aides the opportunity to work more closely with our Prep students. It ensures that we are providing the best supportive, caring environment for all our students.
At Victoria Park State School we provide an extensive Prep program designed to ensure your child feels safe and secure in starting their first year of school. We look forward to sharing your child's learning journey with you.
Prep Parent Information Night
Prep parent information night for parents of students attending in the following year, will be held from 5.30pm - 7.00pm in our Covered Play Area. Please check our
Victoria Park State School Facebook Page for more updates and reminders closer to this event.
You're Invited to the Prep Information Night and Orientation Day.
We welcome all new families to come along and meet our Prep Teachers who will guide you through the process and discuss the wonderful programs we have on offer. We will share with you, helpful advice to prepare your children for success at school.
Prep Eligibility
Children must be 5 on or before 30 June in the year they enrol in Prep.
To determine if your child is eligible to enrol in Prep please check the Education Queensland's
Age Calculator
To enrol your child into Prep , please contact our Co-Ordinator on 0484 652 363.
A Birth Certificate and immunisation records must be provided before the enrolment can be accepted.
Please view our Get Set for Prep Program for more information please contact our Transition to School Coordinator by email prep_enrolments@victoriaparkss.eq.edu.au or 0484 652 363